Publications by members of our research unit
Showing entries 121 - 135 out of 240
Sirsch, U., Levec, K., Reiber, C., & Siderits, J. (2017). Satisfaction with personal money management in Austrian emerging adult students.. Paper presented at 9th European IACCP Conference, Warsaw, Poland.
Haselgruber, A., Merl, L., & Sirsch, U. (2017). Subjektives Erleben des Erwachsenwerdens und Substanzkonsum. Paper presented at Jugend - Lebenswelt - Bildung. Perspektiven für Jugendforschung in Österreich., Innsbruck, Austria.
Werneck, H. (2016). Zwei Lebensmittelpunkte des Kindes als Gegenstand der Forschung.. Paper presented at Doppelresidenz: getrennt und doch gemeinsam, Wels, Austria.
Werneck, H. (2016). Das Wechselmodell in Österreich – ein qualitatives Pilotprojekt. Paper presented at 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig, Germany.
Rollett, B., Florack, A., Klinger, D., Glaser, K., Hartmann, H., & Werneck, H. (2016). Persönlichkeit und Selbstregulation als Determinanten positiver versus negativer Freundschaftsbeziehungen im beginnenden Erwachsenenalter. Paper presented at 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig, Germany.
Mistlbacher, E., & Werneck, H. (2016). Prädiktoren der Vater-Kind-Beziehung im jungen Erwachsenenalter – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung einer elterlichen Scheidung/Trennung. Paper presented at 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig, Germany.
Schultes, H.-M., & Werneck, H. (2016). Väter im Kreißsaal. Paper presented at 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Leipzig, Germany.
Sirsch, U., & Neustifter, M. (2016). Emerging adults’ individuation in different family types. Paper presented at EARA 2016 (XV Biennial Conference EARA, European Association for Research on Adolescence), La Barrosa, Cádiz, Spain.
Nordt, M., Hoehl, S., & Weigelt, S. (2016). The use of repetition suppression paradigms in developmental cognitive neuroscience. Cortex: journal devoted to study of the nervous system and behavior, 80, 61-75.
Markova, G., & Siposova, B. (2016). The Role of Oxytocin in Early Mother-Infant Interactions: Examining Variations in Maternal Affect Attunement. Paper presented at 2016 International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, United States.
Hoehl, S. (2016). The development of category specificity in infancy - What can we learn from electrophysiology? Neuropsychologia, 83, 114-122.
Fantasia, V., Markova, G., Fasulo, A., Costall, A., & Reddy, V. (2016). Not just being lifted: Infants are sensitive to delay during a pick-up routine. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, Article 2065.
Michel, C., Pauen, S., & Höhl, S. (2016). Altering infants’ looking behavior by a gaze contingent reward. 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Heidelberg, Germany.
Michel, C., Pauen, S., & Höhl, S. (2016). When it Pays off to Take a Look: Four-Month-Old Infants Enhance Gaze Following When Being Rewarded. XX International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, United States.
Peykarjou, S., Pauen, S., & Hoehl, S. (2016). 9-Month-Old Infants Recognize Individual Unfamiliar Faces in a Rapid Repetition ERP Paradigm. Infancy, 21(3), 288-311.
Showing entries 121 - 135 out of 240