Publikationen von Ulrike Sirsch
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Kallhoff A, (ed.), Di Paola M, (ed.), Schörgenhumer M, (ed.). Plant Ethics: Concepts and Applications. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2018. 238 S.
Kallhoff A, Di Paola M, Schörgenhumer M. Introduction to Plant Ethics: Concepts and Applications. in Kallhoff A, Di Paola M, Schörgenhumer M, Hrsg., Plant Ethics: Concepts and Applications. 1 Aufl. Oxford: Routledge. 2018. S. 1-10. (Routledge Environmental Humanities).
Kallhoff A, Schörgenhumer M. The virtues of gardening: A relational account of Environmental virtues. Environmental Ethics. 2017;39(2):193-210. doi: 10.5840/enviroethics2017121410
Schörgenhumer M. Good home-grown food? A relational approach to kitchen gardening. in Olsson IA, Hrsg., Food futures: ethics, science and culture ; EurSafe 2016, Porto, Portugal, 29 September - 1 October 2016. Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers. 2016. S. 457-461 doi: 10.3920/978-90-8686-834-6
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